Bapuji Dashrathbhai Patel,
was born on 13th December, 1956 at Akhaj which is a village in Mehsana district of Gujarat state in India. Right from childhood, Bapuji did things that were quite out of the ordinary. It also revealed that he was curious about life, and kept on asking questions about life and what is beyond it. Such passion and passion towards spirituality were developed as he matured.
In his previous life, Bapuji was an income tax advocate but he is well-known as a spiritual teacher. He was a professional in his line of duty, assisting people with their issues on taxes and other related issues. However, despite the fact that he had a successful career, he had realized that there was a void in his life. He longed for the wisdom of knowing the purpose of life, the existence of the universe and our existence in the universe. This desire led him to study religious lessons and learn the art of meditating.
Thus the path of spirituality for Bapuji was not just about picking up books to read or listening to others. He spent much time in meditation, and sought for solutions within himself. By meditating, Bapuji started realizing many things about the universe, life and the soul. He came to the conclusion that happiness is not a possession but a discovery of what and who we are and our place in the cosmos.
It is also important to note that as Bapuji became more knowledgeable, he had the urge to pass on this knowledge to other people. He thought that everyone could use spiritual knowledge and it can improve people’s lives and make them more joyful and calm. Thus, he started educating others and people could comprehend what he was saying in a very plain and clear manner. His doctrine is not about the do’s and don’ts or the practices but about the reality as it is within us.
Another thing which Bapuji Dashrathbhai Patel used to teach is that we have got soul and it is everlasting. Thus, as per Bapuji, our soul is an integral fragment of this infinite consciousness which is free from darkness and is luminous in nature. He says that we are all part of this infinite consciousness and if we come to understand this fact then we will be happy. Bapuji also discusses that one should always remain positive in life and should be kind and compassionate towards all.
Meditation is one of the key principles that Bapuji has taught to the followers. He says that through meditation, the mind is able to be still and be able to tap into the inner self, which is the source of all knowledge. He also wants people to avoid having many wants and desires in their lives as they are unnecessary. As I can see, the more a man shifts his attention to the spiritual part of his life, the more he can be happy.
Bapuji Dashrathbhai Patel has influenced several people with the knowledge he has imparted. He has delivered hope and direction to those who seek help in finding solutions to some of life’s profound issues. Today he is continuing to teach people through books, videos, and talks about spiritual knowledge that is available to all.
Therefore, Bapuji Dashrathbhai Patel is an enlightened person who has devoted his whole life to guide people towards the path of spirituality to attain happiness and peace. His uncomplicated and realistic message that has been passed on in his teachings is that happiness and fullness of life is within each of us and in the consciousness. Bapuji’s message is clear: Inside each of us lies the potential to live a life of love and compassion and that is the key to happiness and spiritual well being.

Awaken Supreme Peace
Your Guide to Boundless Spiritual Awakening.
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